Department of Food Science - Seminar Evaluation Sheet


Speaker’s Name:                                                                                                           


Title  (concise, understandable, generates interest in the talk)

Excellent            Very Good         Good                 Fair                   Needs Improvement


Abstract  (grammar and spelling, completeness, references)

Excellent            Very Good         Good                 Fair                   Needs Improvement




Quality of story told (clear, continuous, concise, puts work into context, generates interest)

Excellent            Very Good         Good                 Fair                   Needs Improvement



Understandability, logical flow, explanations of terms and concepts (clear, understandable)

Excellent            Very Good         Good                 Fair                   Needs Improvement



Methodology, research process and data analysis (logical, rigorous, well explained) [for PhD & Plan A MS]

Excellent            Very Good         Good                 Fair                   Needs Improvement



Implications/applications to food science (clear and explicitly stated)

Excellent            Very Good         Good                 Fair                   Needs Improvement



Practical significance, take home message (I learned a great deal from this presentation)

Excellent            Very Good         Good                 Fair                   Needs Improvement




Personal presence and delivery (comfort, attitude, clarity and volume of voice, eye contact, projection to audience)

Excellent            Very Good         Good                 Fair                   Needs Improvement



Slides (quality, number, legibility, cluttered)

Excellent            Very Good         Good                 Fair                   Needs Improvement



Pace and timing (adherence to guidelines, understandability)

Excellent            Very Good         Good                 Fair                   Needs Improvement



Handling of questions (confident, skilled, knowledgeable, effective)

Excellent            Very Good         Good                 Fair                   Needs Improvement



Overall Rating

Excellent            Very Good         Good                 Fair                   Needs Improvement


Please circle appropriate category:   Student             Faculty             Guest




If you are enrolled in seminar this semester, please print your name below:


Name  ______________________________________________