Starting Fall 2022, all Food Science majors must follow One Pathway to Food Science Major.
If a student of 2023-2025 would like to pursue the One Pathway to FS Major, contact Dr. P to plan your courses.
Suggested course sequence for this option (120 Credit)
course(s) Required for graduation
All Food Science majors are required to complete basic sciences and Food Science courses, along with the current SEBS Core Curriculum.
Upon graduation, students can choose to apply for jobs in food, beverage and related industries or pursue graduate studies.
The options of study outlined below is for current declared majors only (till class of 2025)
Option A
Suggested course sequence for this option (120 Credit)
course(s) Required for graduation
Research option includes the same foundation courses in the General Food Science option but emphasizes additional basic science and advance level food science courses. These additional courses make graduates of this option attractive to employers, but also prepare students for graduate studies or entrance into professional programs (medical schools, dental schools).
Option G
Suggested course sequence for this option (120 Credit)
course(s) Required for graduation
The General option provides students with core courses in food science and technology and the tools to develop quantitative thinking skills that lay the foundation for working individually and in teams and to grow as a professional. Flexibility exists in this option for students that so desire to explore to greater depth subject areas outside of the food science program. Graduate work in Food Science may also be an option.
Option M
Suggested course sequence for this option (120 Credit)
course(s) Required for graduation
Food Science and Management Economics option is offered in conjunction with Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics program and is designed for students interested in the management aspects of the food industry. While the option requirements of both programs are similar, students registered in food science may take additional courses in physical and food sciences.
Option S
Suggested course sequence for this option (120 Credit)
course(s) Required for graduation
This option includes the foundation courses, basic science and advance level Food Science courses; courses related to Sustainability have been incorporated within the option.
This option is NOT open to Food Science majors who are pursuing a minor in Sustainability.
Sustainability is one of the focus areas of Institute of Food Technologists, USA. According to IFT, "Within the sustainability focus area, you’ll examine the business case for environmental sustainability in the food industry. Learn about efforts in food production sufficiency throughout the product lifecycle—from sustainable ingredient sourcing, to product development, to waste management. You’ll gain understanding of related processing and production methods and best practices in the marketing of sustainable food products". Sustainability
Option P
Suggested course sequence for this option (120 Credit)
course(s) Required for graduation
Pet Food Science option of study combines courses from Food Science and Animal Science programs.
Rutgers Food Science is the first of its kind to offer a Pet Food program of study. Processing, shelf-life and safety of pet foods are substantially like processing of foods for humans. Students in the Pet Food Science option will be provided a solid foundation in Food Science with knowledge of Animal Science to provide them the basics of know-how for development of pet foods.
This option is not available to Food Science students pursuing a minor in Animal Science.
MBS 4+1 Year option
Exceptional Rutgers undergraduate students have the opportunity to enroll in the BS/MBS students to earn both a bachelor’s degree and the master’s degree in a shorter period of time and at a lesser cost.
Students in their junior year who meet the requirements may apply for admission into the MBS degree during the spring semester. This program includes arrangements whereby undergraduates apply early for Master’s degrees and are allowed to take excess credits in their senior year in anticipation of meeting the requirements for the higher degree. The MBS portion can be completed part-time. .
For more information, please contact Dr. Paul Takhistov or visit MBS Food Science, and Master of Business & Science degree (MBS) websites.