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Seminar Reference Materials

Graduate students registered for seminar should review the links below, as they provide essential information needed to ensure a satisfactory grade.

Seminar Policies and Procedures

Sample short-version abstract

Sample long-version abstract

Evaluation sheet

Guidelines for developing seminar

COMPASS Message Box

Message Box

Science Communication articles

Susan McConnell (Stanford): Designing effective scientific presentations (a short seminar on YouTube)

What is the best way to give a talk that engages and informs your audience? Dr. McConnell gives helpful advice on preparing and presenting an effective scientific talk. She reviews the basics of PowerPoint or Key Note and gives advice on choosing fonts, colors and slide styles. She also recommends ways to structure your talk so the audience stays awake and engaged. Her final recommendation is practice, practice, practice! Whether you are a graduate student presenting journal club or a tenured professor giving an invited lecture, this talk is sure to prove useful.

Scientific Presentations: A Cheat Sheet

Curing Your Dread of Public Speaking

Getting Past "Umm"

Giving the Same Talk to Different Audiences

Giving Confident Presentations

Tips for Presentations by Non-Native Speakers

Projecting Confidence During Your Talk

Data Doesn’t Speak for Itself