Undergraduate Scholarships
Scholarship & Awards Recipients Food Science ScholarsSeveral scholarships are awarded to our undergraduates each year, some based upon recommendations of our undergraduate scholarship committee and others based on competitive application.
- Department of Food Science Scholarships (Scholarships based on Faculty recommendations)1. C. OLIN BALL
This scholarship is awarded to a student who excels in the food engineering courses required for undergraduates in Food Science. It is in honor of Dr. C. Olin Ball, who was an internationally recognized food engineer specializing in heat sterilization of food. Dr. Ball was a member of the Rutgers faculty for several years and served as Chairman of the Department of Food Science.
2. DICK H. KLEYN MEMORIAL AWARDThis award is given each year in honor of Professor Dick H. Kleyn, a long-time member of the faculty of Food Science, who died in December 1993. It was established by Professor Kleyns’ family, colleagues, former students, and friends to commemorate his dedication to undergraduate education in the Department of Food Science. This award is in recognition of interest in Food Science as a career and achievements in the first year of study at Rutgers University.
3. LLOYD K. RIGGSThis scholarship honors Dr. Lloyd K. Riggs, who was an internationally recognized nutritionist and friend of the Department of Food Science. It is awarded to a student who has demonstrated leadership and activity in the undergraduate Food Science Club, while also performing well in academic endeavors.
4. ELIZABETH F. STIERThis scholarship honors Dr. Stier, who coordinated the undergraduate program in Food Science from 1952-1978, and served as the Graduate Director from the late 1950's until her retirement in 1987. It is dedicated to an undergraduate woman in Food Science who has demonstrated proficiency in academics while also being active in extracurricular activities, particularly the New York Institute of Food Technology, or the Central Jersey Institute of Food Technologists.
5. ACHIEVING SUCCESS AWARDThis Scholarship recognizes a student who steadily improves through their academic career and is looking to successfully graduate. The award recognizes that it is possible to excel in academic studies even as one goes through ups and downs and to steadily improve.
6. TRIUMPH AWARDThis award established by the Food Science Department honors a student who has been able to overcome personal adversity, stay focused on education and succeed in obtaining his/her degree.
7. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FLAVORS AND FOOD-INGREDIENTS SYSTEMS (NAFFS) SCHOLARSHIPin Food Science and enrolled in the upcoming academic year. The scholarships are based on food industry interest or experience, achievement, character and financial need.
8. METROPOLITAN NEW YORK FOOD SERVICE ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIPThese scholarships are awarded to full time undergraduate students studying in the Food Science program, General Food Science/Culinology Option based on academic merit and demonstrating financial need. The awardees are selected by the Chair of the Department of Food Science with advice from a Departmental Committee.
9. DR. BRUCE P. WASSERMAN PRIZEThis award honors Dr. Wasserman who was a professor in the Department of Food Science from 1981 to 1998. Professor Wasserman was an internationally recognized expert in the area of starch biosynthesis, an early advocate for food biotechnology, a gifted teacher, and avid outdoorsman. The Dr. Bruce P. Wasserman Prize is awarded to a first year undergraduate student who, at an early state of the academic career, demonstrates excellence in food science as evidenced by course work and participation in extracurricular activities. The Prize consists of $750 and a certificate.
10. FOOD SCIENCE FILLIES SCHOLARSHIPThis award was established in 1993 by a group of former graduate students of the Department of Food Science to be granted to full-time undergraduate students who are majoring (or recently declared) Food Science with at least a 2.5 cumulative average. Recipients must be identified as having potential to grow, exhibit an esprit d`corp and personal elan as well as other hard to measure qualities that would make a student stand out. Participation in extracurricular activities and departmental activities may provide a means for identifying these candidates. The award process will be reviewed by the Chairman and the donor group
11. EASTERN PERISHABLE PRODUCTSPrimarily for full-time junior or senior undergraduate students majoring in FS based on academic merit and financial need as determined by University rules; award can be in any $ amount; awards may be renewed for up to one additional year- but student would need to meet the financial need criteria in each year.
12. JAMES J. WINSTON MEMORIAL AWARDFor any full-time undergraduate or graduate student majoring in Food Science based on academic merit, with preference for a student with a Food Chemistry focus and a preference for financial need as determined by University rules in effect. Program administrator is the Chair of the Department. Student recipient must acknowledge receipt of funds by writing to Mr. Winston. All awardable income must be distributed each year.
13. VIRGINIA DARE COMPANY AWARDSince its inception in 1950, The Virginia Dare Award has annually awarded financial stipends to college students in recognition of academic achievement. The Award selection criteria requires that the student be an undergraduate student in good academic standing in a Food Science or related program. By means of course work, academic projects, research, internships, part time or summer employment in the food industry the student needs demonstrate a strong interest in a future career in Food Science. Virginia Dare has a strong commitment to food science education, and therefore the intention of the Award Program is to encourage students to study food science that will lead to successful careers in the field.
- Competitive Scholarships
14. EASTERN FROSTED FOODS ASSOCIATIONThese scholarships are available to entering SEBS juniors, seniors and graduate students majoring in Food Science, Nutritional Science or Environmental and Business Economics and enrolled in the upcoming academic year. The scholarships are based on food industry interest or experience, achievement, character and financial need.For application information visit http://www.sebs.rutgers.edu/sfa/current/easternfrostedfoods.asp
15. MYRON AND RONA SOLBERG RENAISSANCEThis scholarship is given to an incoming Junior or Senior student at SEBS who has demonstrated an interest in the sciences as well as the fine or performing arts. Preference is given to a Food Science major. The awardee is selected by the Chairperson of the Food Science Department, a senior faculty member of the Mason Gross School of the Arts, Assistant Dean of SEBS Scholarship Program and members of the Solberg family.
16. DAVID H. AGANS SCHOLARSHIPThis scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students entering juniors and seniors pursuing an agricultural/environmental related field. Majors include Agricultural Science, Natural Resource Management, Plant Science, Biology, Biochemistry, Animal Science, Bioresource Engineering (5-years), Environmental Science, Nutritional Sciences, Biotechnology, Env. and Business Economics, Marine Sciences, EPIB, Env. Planning and Design and Food Science. For application information visit: http://www.sebs.rutgers.edu/sfa/current/sebs.asp
17. INSTITUTE OF FOOD TECHNOLOGISTSThese awards are presented annually. They are very competitive in that applicants derive from universities throughout the US. Awards are based primarily on academic performance. For application information visit: http://www.ift.org/Knowledge-Center
18. INSTITUTE OF FOOD TECHNOLOGISTS – Philadelphia SectionThese awards are presented annually. They are very competitive in that applicants derive from universities throughout the US. Awards are based primarily on academic performance. For application information visit: http://www.philadelphiaift.org/scholarship.htm
19. NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF FOOD TECHNOLOGISTSThese awards are presented annually. Candidates must be active members of the NY IFT. A committee from this organization interviews applicants at the Department. For application information visit: http://www.ift.org/sections/nyift/ Frugaldad.com Scholarship: http://frugaldad.com/scholarships/
- External Scholarships
20. Agribusiness Scholar21. Best poster award in Nutrition, Endocrinology, and Food Science (NEFS) Graduate Student Conference22. Rutgers SEBS/NJAES Entrepreneurship Agricultural Intern-of-the-Year Award - Competitive Scholarships