Scholarships for incoming freshmen into Food Science:
IFT Feeding Tomorrow Scholarship Goya Foods
Transfer students can apply to IFT Undergraduate Scholarships upon admission into Food Science program.
Food Science is an exciting field of study. Rewarding careers await graduates who are well-grounded in the basic sciences and wish to specialize in food systems.
Undergraduate Mission
The undergraduate program of Food Science provides an exciting and challenging academic environment that encourages the acquisition and integration of knowledge within the field of food science and technology and places it within the context of societal needs. The program:
- Will provide the student with the tools to develop quantitative thinking skills that lay the foundation for working individually and in teams and to grow as a professional.
- Emphasizes a strong foundation in the basic sciences applied to solving practical problems related to the production and safety of food and food ingredients.
- Stresses communication skills enhancing student career opportunities within and beyond the area of food science.
Integration of various scientific disciplines is used in the development of methods for the processing and fabrication of new food products. Improvement of food quality (safety, flavor, color, texture, and nutritional value) are major objectives of the food scientist.
Food Science at Rutgers is a structured, credit-intensive program of study.
Incoming freshmen Fall 2022 onwards, shall pursue the One Pathway to Food Science Major
Food Science courses + Math and basic Sciences + RU Core courses + Specialized Tracks / Free Electives.
Students can choose their individual track of specialization in place of free electives.
Option Of Study
These options are open to class of 2022-2025 only.
GeneralFood Science courses + Math and basic Sciences + RU Core courses + free Electives
Food Science courses + upper- level Math and basic Sciences + RU Core courses + (fewer) Electives; A pre-med option of study
Food Science and Management Economics
Food Science courses + Business courses + Math and Sciences + RU Core courses + (fewer) Electives
Food Science courses +Math and basic Sciences + RU Core Sustainability courses + Sustainability specialized courses + (fewer) Electives
Pet Food Science
Food Science courses + Animal Science courses + Math and basic Sciences + RU Core courses + (fewer) Electives
Students considering the various options of study are advised to pursue specified courses for that option early on. All 5 options of study are comparable with respect to academic rigor and future career prospects.
Visit the Major Options of Study for complete details on Food Science courses, Requirements, Options of study and Suggested course(s) sequence.
Exceptional Rutgers undergraduate students have the opportunity to enroll in the BS/MBS students to earn both a Bachelor’s degree and the Master’s degree in a shorter period of time and at a lesser cost.
Students in their junior year who meet the requirements may apply for admission into the MBS degree during the spring semester. This programs are arrangements whereby undergraduates apply early for master’s degrees and are allowed to take excess credits in their senior year in anticipation of meeting the requirements for the higher degree. The MBS portion can be completed
For more information, please contact Dr. Paul Takhistov or visit the MBS Food Science, and MBS Degree website
Combined BS-MS Programs of study
MBS 4+1
Master of Business and Science (4+1)
Master of Business and Science (4+1) in Food Science
4+1 BS-MS Program (PDF)
4+1 BS-MS Program of study in Food Science