Qiaoru Dong
Advisor: Qingrong Huang, Ph. D.
Qiaoru Dong
My name is Qiaoru Dong, a master’s student from Dr. Huang’s lab. My current research interest is the fabrication of protein-based Pickering high internal phase emulsions. And my future research interest will be focusing on the potential applications of Pickering HIPEs in nutraceutical delivery systems, 3D printing, and fabrication of protein-based porous materials.

Yongjia Gong
Yongjia Gong
My research focuses on the modulation of gut microbiota by dietary fibers. Gut microbiome is an emerging field which incorporates food technologies, nutrition, microbiology, immunology and much more, which could confer benefits to human health. I am excited to be part of this research.

Zisheng Han
Advisor: Chi-Tang Ho, Ph. D.
Zisheng Han
My name is Zisheng Han and I am a graduate student from the Department of Food Science. My instructor is Dr. Ho and I am studying on food chemistry. My research focuses on flavor and chemistry of tea, which is mainly produced in my home country, China. It has been really an honor to meet and share with everybody here!

Fangcheng Jiang
Advisor: Qingrong Huang, Ph. D.
Fangcheng Jiang
I am Fangcheng Jiang, a Ph.D. student in Dr. Huang’s lab. My research will be focused on improving bioavailability of phytochemicals using Pickering emulsions stabilized by whey protein isolate fibrils.

Karina Lewerissa
Karina Lewerissa
I am Karina Lewerissa, a PhD student at Dr. Ludescher’s lab. My current research focuses on monitoring protein dynamics in Glucokinase enzyme using phosphorescence technique. Phosphorescence technique has been widely used to provide detailed information related to molecular mobility. Understanding molecular mobility is essential to understand the stability of protein. In this project, I am using tryptophan amino acid to monitor the molecular motions of the enzyme.

Qianru Liu
Google Scholar
Advisor: Qingrong Huang, Ph. D.
Qianru Liu
Qianru Liu, a Ph.D. candidate in Dr. Qingrong Huang’s lab; Graduated from South China University of Technology (SCUT) with a master’s degree in Food Science; Research Experience: (1) Antimicrobial biodegradable films for active food packaging and sustainable packaging applications; (2) Nano-emulsions using natural polysaccharides as efficient stabilizers, which can be potentially used in the food and cosmetic industries; (3) developed formulations for helping poorly soluble phytochemicals delivery in functional food or drugs; (4) novel Pickering type walnut butter with natural antioxidant.

Eric Lorenz
Advisor: Mukund V. Karwe, Ph. D.
Eric Lorenz
Eric works full time at PepsiCo in Valhalla, NY in Global Beverages R&D. Eric’s been at PepsiCo for 8 years; during that time, his focus has been on flavor concentrate manufacturing technologies for existing brands and new innovation. Current research: modeling plasma activated water (PAW) and plasma activated mist (PAM) and their use as antimicrobials.

Yue Luo
Advisor: Chi-Tang Ho, Ph. D.
Yue Luo
Yue Luo completed her bachelor in Food Science at Hong Kong Baptist University and is currently a third-year Ph.D. student at Rutgers. She is focusing on exploring unsolved problems of Maillard reaction and flavor chemistry. Her doctoral dissertation aims to conduct preparation, stability, and flavor formation profile of Amadori rearrangement products. She is passionate about combining academic knowledge and interest in food science to solve particle problems and bring in novel ideas.

Shiekha Mittal
Advisor: Karen M. Schaich, Sc. D.
Shiekha Mittal
Shiekha Mittal is a graduate student at Dr. Schaich’s Lab in the department of Food Science at Rutgers University, NJ. She is dedicated, willing to face challenges, solve problems and meet the business and consumer demands. Shiekha is currently employed at Campbell Soup Company, Camden, NJ. There she is actively involved in analysis and development of new products by ensuring all formulations, manufacturing procedures, and nutrition are top-notch.

Joseph Panarisi
Advisor: Chi-Tang Ho, Ph. D.
Joseph Panarisi
Joseph Panarisi, PhD. student under Dr. Ho. I live in Manalapan, NJ and have a BS in Food Science, 1989 and MS in Food Science, 1991 from Rutgers. My career in the food industry spanned from 1991-2019 in R&D leading innovation in companies like IFF, Wise Foods, Bestfoods, Unilever, Johnson and Johnson and Heartland Foods achieving the level of Vice President. I’m currently serving as the chairman of the Rutgers Food Science graduate alumni committee.

Joseph Scarsella
Advisor: Thomas G. Hartman, Ph. D.
Joseph Scarsella
Joseph is a PhD student under the advisement of Dr. Thomas Hartman. His doctoral research involves the development of mass spectrometric methods for identification and quantification of migratory isocyanates and primary amines from polyurethane lamination adhesives used in food packaging materials. His other research interests include the determination of migratory chemical species from energy-curable inks and coatings used in food packaging, the incorporation of recycled plastics into food-contact materials, and the improvement of methods to ensure regulatory compliance of food packaging materials. He has earned both a B.S. and M.S. degree in Food Science from Rutgers University.

Michael Shen
Advisor: Paul Takhistov, Ph. D.
Michael Shen
My name is Michael Shen and I am a graduate student working with Dr. Takhistov. Overall, my research interest focuses on examining the surface properties of food products to improve quality. Currently, my research centers around comparative analysis of non-nutritive sweeteners in carbonated beverages through theoretical modeling of carbonic acid mass transfer. I am also actively involved in the Food Science community as the acting president of GSA 2020-2021 as well as assisting in teaching food product development and food product technology.

Aishwarya Vengatesan
Advisor: Karl R. Matthews, Ph. D.
Aishwarya Vengatesan
I am Aishwarya Vengatesan, a master’s student in Dr. Matthews’ lab. With increasing food-borne disease outbreaks in the past decade, my current research at Rutgers focuses on eliminating food borne pathogens seafood and food contact surfaces using photosensitization method. This non-thermal process preserves the nutritional quality of the product and its organoleptic properties whilst enhancing its safety. I am also the Vice President of the Food Science GSA where we bring exciting opportunities to the graduate students.

Shuo Yuan
Advisor: Kit L. Yam, Ph. D.
Shuo Yuan
Hi, my name is Shuo Yuan. I am currently working for a phD degree in Dr. Yam's lab. My research interests are on sustainable food packaging, sustainable food systems, and controlled release packaging for fresh produce. I am also a part-time lecturer assisting Dr. Ponnusamy in various undergradaute classes.

Nan Zhang
Advisor: Thomas G. Hartman, Ph. D.
Nan Zhang
Nan Zhang, is a part-time Ph.D. graduate student from Dr. Thomas G. Hartman’s Lab. She obtained her Master Degree from Rutgers Food Science Department in 2014 and had worked in the area of analytical chemistry for chemical specialty industry and pharmaceutical industry. Her current research focused on development and validation of generic food packaging migration testing analytical methodology.

Zhiya Yin
Advisor: Qingrong Huang, Ph. D.
Zhiya Yin
I received the Bachelor of Pharmacy in China, and am now a PhD candidate in Food Science at Rutgers. My research mainly focuses on improving the bioavailability and bioefficacy of polyphenols and other APIs by food graded and 'GRAS' formulations. I investigate the effects of encapsulation on digestion and absorption of polyphenols and their metabolism in cell and animal models, utilizing various analytical and biochemical techniques. I also lead/ collaborate on some projects with many companies and institutes such as NIH botanical center, and am responsible for & experienced with LC-MS/MS method development for analyzing phytochemicals in human/animal biosamples.